The supporting cast were good, and James Marsden deserves a mention for managing to pull of a hard role as the "rich man" well.
Don't get me wrong, they are some good Romantic movies that pull it off very well, but there are simply too many in that particular genre.The best thing about this movie was the depth of the plot and the actors playing their characters so well. Nesbitt, Adam Sumner, Bruce Williamson,īeautiful as the star of the movie, Allie.As I said earlier in my review, I did go into the movie not expecting much and that was because I thought it was a typical "boy loves girl" movie which are sometimes just too predictable.
Turner, Sylvia Jefferies, Mark Garner, Scott Ritenour, Milton Buras, Elizabeth Bond, Matthew Barry, Nancy De Mayo, Meredith Zealy, Julianne Keller Lewis, Madison Wayne Ellis, Riley Novak, Ronald Betts, David Abrams, Patricia Buckley-Moss, Jonathan Dickson, Taylor Engel, Bob Forrest, Paul Johansson, Michael L. Van Natta, Deborah Hobart, Lindy Newton, Sherril M. Capshaw, James Scott Deaton, James Marsden, Eve Kagan, Stephanie Wheeler, Erin Guzowski, Obba Babatundé, Chuck Pacheco, John Cundari, Hugh Robertson, Robert Washington, Todd Lewis, Mark Johnson, Robert Fraisse, Barbara Weetman, Daniel Chamblin, Sasha Azevedo, Jamie Anne Allman, Robert Ivey, Rebecca Koon, Sandra W. Fuller, Jonathan Parks Jordan, Leslea Fisher, Jude Kitchens, David Thornton, Tim O'Brien, Meredith O'Brien, Cullen Moss, Traci Dinwiddie, Pat Leonard, Kweli Leapart, James Middleton, Frederick Bingham, Daniel Czekalski, Peter Rosenfeld, Bradley D.
Thomas, Joan Allen, Ed Grady, Renée Amber, Jennifer Echols, Geoffrey Knight, Kevin Connolly, Ryan Gosling, Heather Wahlquist, Rachel McAdams, Andrew Schaff, Matt Shelly, Michael D. Starcast: Tim Ivey, Starletta DuPois, James Garner, Gena Rowlands, Sam Shepard, Anthony-Michael Q.